October 21, 2018 10:30 am
PRELUDE “Hymn of Promise” Sleeth/Carter
Leader: Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD;
All: let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Leader: Let us come before him with thanksgiving
All: and extol him with music and song.
Leader: Come, let us bow down in worship,
All: let us kneel before the LORD our Maker;
Leader: for he is our God
All: and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.
*HYMN #150 “Come Christians Join to Sing”
Our Father, we give You thanks and sing Your praise for being our God, our hope, and our salvation. But, Lord, we confess that we are sinners; we hide from You and want to go our own way. You see us as we really are, and You are calling us to come to You. We know that we have sinned but we have run out of strength and fallen away. Pour Your power into us, that we might follow You more closely. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
*RESPONSE #579 “Gloria Patri”
SPECIAL MUSIC Duet by Elizabeth Fox & Amanda Williams
We sing to glorify God: Psalm 89:1-8 (pp. 478-479)
We sing in time of trouble: Acts 16:23-27 (pg. 898)
We sing together as Christ’s people: Colossians 3:12-17 (pg. 955)
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God!
MESSAGE “Singing Our Favorite Hymns”
* Lee Peterson – #260 “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” (vs. 1, 4)
* Judy Smith - #525 “Here I Am Lord” (vs. 1, 2)
* Don Norton – #383 “My Faith Looks Up to Thee” (vs. 1, 2, 4)
* Elizabeth Fox –“Jesus Christ the Apple Tree” (insert)
* Skip & Sharon Webster – “It is Well with My Soul” (insert)
* Donna Flint – “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus” (insert)
*Please pass the Friendship Register*
Offertory Meditation on “How Great Thou Art” arr. Carter
*Doxology #592
*Prayer of Dedication
Lord, for this joy, we give you thanks.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen
*HYMN (insert) “He Keeps Me Singing”
POSTLUDE “O Worship the King” Michael Haydn/Root
NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY? If you need a ride please contact a Deacon or speak to Ella Lane.
THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE (October 21-27)
SUNDAY October 21 @ 6:00 PM Bell Choir practice
TUESDAY October 23 @ 9:30 AM Coffee Group
WEDNESDAY October 24 @ 7:00 PM Choir Practice
THURSDAY October 25 @ 9:30 AM Bible Study
THURSDAY October 26 @ 11:30 AM Lunch Bunch
LINDY & ALVERA WICKSTROM have moved to Sioux Falls. Their family says you may contact them at Alvera’s cell # 605-695-3077 or their new address:
Lindy & Alvera Wickstrom
Stoneybrook Suites
4501 E Pampas Place, Suite 38
Sioux Falls, SD 57110
PROGRESSIVE SUPPER: Attention all Youth in grades 7-12! On Sunday, October 28th at 4:30 PM, we will meet at the church for a Youth-only Progressive Supper. Please bring your friends to join in the fun!
WORLD COMMUNITY DAY 2018: Church Women United will celebrate World Community Day on Nov. 2, 2018 at First Lutheran Church, 8th Street & Main Ave, Brookings, SD, at 2:00 PM in the main Chapel. The theme for this Celebration is “Reaching Toward Wholeness” which reflects the idea that being whole requires feeling safe, cared for, valued and connected within our local community and the larger world. A regular offering will be taken to support the Church Women United programs. Coffee and fellowship will follow the program. All Christian women and men are invited to this gathering. First Lutheran Church is handicapped accessible.
* Least Coin offering = $413.52 sent to Church Women United National on May 13, 2018.
* May Friendship Day offering = $395. Increased it to $400 divided between Feeding Brookings and Brookings Empowerment Project = $200 each. Added $100 from Checking account to both - $300 sent on May 14, 2018.
THE WORSHIP COMMITTEE needs help! We will be having our annual “Decorate the Sanctuary for Christmas” extravaganza on Sunday, November 25 following the church service. We would appreciate any and all help, so if you’re around and can pitch in, make sure to put it on your calendar!
BIRTHDAYS in October: Chad Broksieck, Jan Jones, Aaron Miller, Rozella Potthast, Donna Wilson, Michele Kemp, Maria Mason, Mike McCann, Tami Watson, Maxine Dornbush, Rick Salonen
ANNIVERSARIES in October: David & Lee Peterson, Roger & Marvis Jenner, Kelly & Tami Watson, Lindy & Alvera Wickstrom
PRAYER CONCERNS Those with health concerns: Jan Jones, Paul & Shirley Rudolph, Jack & Alice Edge, Beth Rindels, Rozella Potthast, Bev Erdahl, Andrew L’Amour, Naomi Schuurman and her family, Eliana Szabo, Michele Kemp, Delores Koepsell, John Peterson
Our homebound (or partially homebound) members: Barb Borstad, Don Hildebrandt, Nona Marshall, Helen Peterson, Adele Sudlow
PRELUDE “Hymn of Promise” Sleeth/Carter
Leader: Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD;
All: let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Leader: Let us come before him with thanksgiving
All: and extol him with music and song.
Leader: Come, let us bow down in worship,
All: let us kneel before the LORD our Maker;
Leader: for he is our God
All: and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.
*HYMN #150 “Come Christians Join to Sing”
Our Father, we give You thanks and sing Your praise for being our God, our hope, and our salvation. But, Lord, we confess that we are sinners; we hide from You and want to go our own way. You see us as we really are, and You are calling us to come to You. We know that we have sinned but we have run out of strength and fallen away. Pour Your power into us, that we might follow You more closely. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
*RESPONSE #579 “Gloria Patri”
SPECIAL MUSIC Duet by Elizabeth Fox & Amanda Williams
We sing to glorify God: Psalm 89:1-8 (pp. 478-479)
We sing in time of trouble: Acts 16:23-27 (pg. 898)
We sing together as Christ’s people: Colossians 3:12-17 (pg. 955)
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God!
MESSAGE “Singing Our Favorite Hymns”
* Lee Peterson – #260 “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” (vs. 1, 4)
* Judy Smith - #525 “Here I Am Lord” (vs. 1, 2)
* Don Norton – #383 “My Faith Looks Up to Thee” (vs. 1, 2, 4)
* Elizabeth Fox –“Jesus Christ the Apple Tree” (insert)
* Skip & Sharon Webster – “It is Well with My Soul” (insert)
* Donna Flint – “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus” (insert)
*Please pass the Friendship Register*
Offertory Meditation on “How Great Thou Art” arr. Carter
*Doxology #592
*Prayer of Dedication
Lord, for this joy, we give you thanks.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen
*HYMN (insert) “He Keeps Me Singing”
POSTLUDE “O Worship the King” Michael Haydn/Root
NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY? If you need a ride please contact a Deacon or speak to Ella Lane.
THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE (October 21-27)
SUNDAY October 21 @ 6:00 PM Bell Choir practice
TUESDAY October 23 @ 9:30 AM Coffee Group
WEDNESDAY October 24 @ 7:00 PM Choir Practice
THURSDAY October 25 @ 9:30 AM Bible Study
THURSDAY October 26 @ 11:30 AM Lunch Bunch
LINDY & ALVERA WICKSTROM have moved to Sioux Falls. Their family says you may contact them at Alvera’s cell # 605-695-3077 or their new address:
Lindy & Alvera Wickstrom
Stoneybrook Suites
4501 E Pampas Place, Suite 38
Sioux Falls, SD 57110
PROGRESSIVE SUPPER: Attention all Youth in grades 7-12! On Sunday, October 28th at 4:30 PM, we will meet at the church for a Youth-only Progressive Supper. Please bring your friends to join in the fun!
WORLD COMMUNITY DAY 2018: Church Women United will celebrate World Community Day on Nov. 2, 2018 at First Lutheran Church, 8th Street & Main Ave, Brookings, SD, at 2:00 PM in the main Chapel. The theme for this Celebration is “Reaching Toward Wholeness” which reflects the idea that being whole requires feeling safe, cared for, valued and connected within our local community and the larger world. A regular offering will be taken to support the Church Women United programs. Coffee and fellowship will follow the program. All Christian women and men are invited to this gathering. First Lutheran Church is handicapped accessible.
* Least Coin offering = $413.52 sent to Church Women United National on May 13, 2018.
* May Friendship Day offering = $395. Increased it to $400 divided between Feeding Brookings and Brookings Empowerment Project = $200 each. Added $100 from Checking account to both - $300 sent on May 14, 2018.
THE WORSHIP COMMITTEE needs help! We will be having our annual “Decorate the Sanctuary for Christmas” extravaganza on Sunday, November 25 following the church service. We would appreciate any and all help, so if you’re around and can pitch in, make sure to put it on your calendar!
BIRTHDAYS in October: Chad Broksieck, Jan Jones, Aaron Miller, Rozella Potthast, Donna Wilson, Michele Kemp, Maria Mason, Mike McCann, Tami Watson, Maxine Dornbush, Rick Salonen
ANNIVERSARIES in October: David & Lee Peterson, Roger & Marvis Jenner, Kelly & Tami Watson, Lindy & Alvera Wickstrom
PRAYER CONCERNS Those with health concerns: Jan Jones, Paul & Shirley Rudolph, Jack & Alice Edge, Beth Rindels, Rozella Potthast, Bev Erdahl, Andrew L’Amour, Naomi Schuurman and her family, Eliana Szabo, Michele Kemp, Delores Koepsell, John Peterson
Our homebound (or partially homebound) members: Barb Borstad, Don Hildebrandt, Nona Marshall, Helen Peterson, Adele Sudlow