Litany of Promise
November 12, 2023
-FELLOWSHIP/OUTREACH COMMITTEE meets TODAY, Nov. 12 after worship service.
-CHANGE IN CHOIR PRACTICE TIME: Choir will be singing next on Sunday November 19. Please meet that morning in the north meeting room at 9:30 AM to practice. Make a joyful noise to the Lord!
-TUESDAY MORNING COFFEE GROUP meets at First Lutheran Mission Coffee House at 9:30ish.
-THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER TIME meets in the Center meeting room 9:30-11:30. Come visit and see what we are about!
-SISTERHOOD meets Thursday, Nov. 16 at 11:30 AM at First Lutheran’s Mission Coffee House.
-MEN’S BROTHERHOOD meets Thursday, Nov. 16 at 5:30 PM at the church.
-WORSHIP COMMITTEE will meet Nov. 19 after worship service.
-MONETARY DONATIONS FOR FEEDING BROOKINGS HOLIDAY DISTRIBUTION are being accepted until Thanksgiving. Please put donations in the offering plate and write ‘Feeding Brookings’ on the memo line or use the envelopes by the offering plates. Thank you for your generosity!
Gather together! You are welcome here, and you will hear Good News.
We escape from a world of discouraging and negative voices.
God speaks to you today with the voice of encouragement.
We lift up our hearts, ready to accept God’s love.
All: Together let us worship our God.
*HYMN #487 (Blue) ‘When Morning Gilds the Skies’
When morning gilds the sky,
my heart awaking cries: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Alike at work and prayer
To Jesus I repair: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Does sadness fill my mind?
A solace here I find: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Or fades my earthly bliss?
My comfort still is this: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Let earth's wide circle round
in joyful notes resound: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Let air and sea and sky
from depth to height reply: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Be this, while life is mine,
My canticle divine: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Be this the eternal song
Through all the ages long: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Lord God, we come to you from our challenging lives to seek your peace; knowing we have not been all that we should be. We have not relied on your word or wisdom, we have not shown concern or compassion when we should have; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves; we have remained silent when we should have spoken and spoken when we should have been silent. Forgive us, Lord. Give us strength, direction and passion to reflect your light of love and grace in this world. We ask this in Christ’s name, Amen.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen, Amen.
Psalm 112:1-6 (read responsively)
1 Praise the LORD! Happy are those who fear the LORD,
who greatly delight in his commandments.
2 Their descendants will be mighty in the land;
the generation of the upright will be blessed.
3 Wealth and riches are in their houses,
and their righteousness endures forever.
4 They rise in the darkness as a light for the upright;
they are gracious, merciful, and righteous.
5 It is well with those who deal generously and lend,
who conduct their affairs with justice.
6 For the righteous will never be moved;
they will be remembered forever.
Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:13-16
13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything but is thrown out and trampled under foot.
14 “You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. 15 People do not light a lamp and put it under the bushel basket; rather, they put it on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.
SERMON Salt, Light, and Joy Donna Flint, CRE
AFFIRMATION OF FAITH--The Apostle’s Creed (in unison)
I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.
Litany of Promise
Robby and Donna Flint, Pastors, First Presbyterian Brookings
1 Cor. 12:4–7, 27
Leader: There are varieties of gifts, but it is the same Spirit who gives them.
People: There are different ways of serving God, but it is the same Lord who is served.
Leader: God works through each person in a unique way, but it is God’s purpose that is accomplished.
People: To each is given a gift of the Spirit to be used for the common good.
Leader: Together we are the body of Christ, and individually members of it.
Leader: We are all called into the church of Jesus Christ by baptism, and marked as Christ’s own by the Holy Spirit. This is our common calling, to be disciples and servants of our servant Lord. Within the community of the church, some are called to particular service.
Today, the session, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, affirms that Robby and Donna Flint , Commissioned Ruling Elders for the Presbytery of South Dakota have been called to serve as pastors at First Presbyterian Church, Brookings.
Robby and Donna you stand among us to provide service as pastors among the people of this church, a gift from God to equip this church in the work of ministry.
Robby and Donna, do you accept this ministry in confidence that it comes from God? I DO
Robby and Donna, you have been commissioned to serve as Commissioned Ruling Elders in the Presbytery of South Dakota, and when commissioned, you proclaimed your faith in Jesus Christ as your savior. We ask you today to reaffirm this faith by answering the following questions.
Do you trust in Jesus Christ your Savior, acknowledge him Lord of all and Head of the Church, and through him believe in one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? I DO
Do you accept the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be, by the Holy Spirit, the unique and authoritative witness to Jesus Christ in the Church universal, and God’s Word to you? I DO
Do you sincerely receive and adopt the essential tenets of the Reformed faith as expressed in the confessions of our church as authentic and reliable expositions of what Scripture leads us to believe and do, and will you be instructed and led by those confessions as you lead the people of God? I DO
Will you fulfill your ministry in obedience to Jesus Christ, under the authority of Scripture, and be continually guided by our confessions? I WILL, WITH GOD’S HELP
Will you be governed by our church’s polity, and will you abide by its discipline? I WILL
Will you in your own life seek to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, love your neighbors, and work for the reconciliation of the world? I WILL, WITH GOD’S HELP
Do you promise to further the peace, unity, and purity of the church? I WILL
Will you pray for and seek to serve the people with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love? I WILL
Will you be faithful pastors serving this church, serving the people by proclaiming the good news, teaching faith and caring for the people, and in your ministry will you try to show the love and justice of Jesus Christ? I WILL, WITH GOD’S HELP
For the congregation (lead by elder):
Do we, the members of this church, receive and welcome Robby and Donna Flint as servants of our Lord in service to this church? WE DO
Do we agree to encourage and pray for Robby and Donna as they accept this responsibility for our common life? WE DO
Do we agree to respect their guidance and to work alongside Robby and Donna as together we serve Jesus Christ who alone is Head of the Church? WE DO.
Will we listen to the word they preach, welcome their pastoral care, and honor their responsibility as together we all seek to honor and obey Jesus Christ our Lord? WE WILL
Leader: Gracious God, pour out your Spirit upon your servants, Robby and Donna, whom you called by baptism as your own. Grant them the same mind that was in Christ Jesus. Give them a spirit of truthfulness rightly to proclaim your Word in Christ from pulpit, table, and font, and in the words and actions of daily living. Give them the gifts of your Holy Spirit to build up the church, to strengthen the common life of your people, and to lead with compassion and vision, that their work may stir each of us to a life of faithful service. In the walk of faith and for the work of ministry, give to your servants Robby and Donna, gladness and strength, discipline and hope, humility, humor, and courage, and an abiding sense of your presence. Amen.
Robby and Donna:
Gracious God, pour out your Spirit upon this congregation that we may be for you a holy people. Sustain this congregation in ministry. Ground us in the gospel. Secure our hope in Christ, strengthen our service to the outcast, and increase our love for one another. Show us the transformative power of your grace in our life together, that we may be effective servants of the gospel, offering a compelling witness in the world to the good news of Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
*HYMN OF RESPONSE # 418 (Blue) ‘God, Bless Your Church with Strength!’
God, bless Your church with strength! Wherever we may be,
Upbuild Your servants as we work In common ministry.
Urge us from fledgling faith to venture and to soar
Through open skies, to sing the praise of Christ whom we adore.
God, bless Your church with life! May all our branches thrive,
Unblemished, wholesome, bearing fruit, Abundantly alive.
From You, one holy vine, In freedom may we grow;
Sustain us in our mission, Lord, Your love and peace to show.
God, bless Your church with hope! Despite chaotic days,
May we in chaos shine to light pathway through life’s maze.
May justice be our aim, and kindness ours to share,
In humbleness O may we walk, assured our God is there!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
-Roger J
-Gayle F
-Carol G
-Robert (Robby’s father)
-Susan H (MK’s daughter)
-Maxine D
-Andrew N (friend of Ella)
-Barb (Bob O’s sister)
-Anthony B (Teri’s son)
-USS South Dakota, captain and crew
-Jim (Dianne L’s husband)
-Nelda H
-Betty G
-Richard C and Dolores as caregiver
-Bob J and Jan as caregiver
-Darwin L and Jeanne as caregiver
-Bob O and Nancy as caregiver
-Andrew & Beth L
-Gwen B (Lee P’s friend)
-Patty (friend of Michele and Brookings)
-Harry (Bonnie S’s father)
Our homebound or in care members: Richard C, Bob J, Delores K, Rose P, Joyce R, Cliff R, Dee W (Please reach out and call)
This Week’s Prayer Families: Maxine D, Bill & Ann D, John E, Mary E
Those who mourn: We pray for the Bierstedt, Riedesel, Eich, Ohnstad, VanderWaal, Broksieck, Canaday, Barnett, Fee, Goodale, McCann, and Webster families and all who have lost loved ones.
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever, Amen.
*HYMN ‘Take the Name of Jesus with You’
Take the name of Jesus with you,
Child of sorrow and of woe.
It will joy and comfort give you,
Take it then where'er you go.
Precious name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of heaven;
Precious name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of heaven.
Take the name of Jesus ever
As a shield from every snare;
When temptations round you gather,
Breathe that holy name in prayer. [Refrain]
Oh, the precious name of Jesus!
How it thrills our souls with joy,
When His loving arms receive us
And His songs our tongues employ. [Refrain]
At the name of Jesus bowing,
Falling prostrate at His feet,
King of kings, in heav’n we’ll crown Him
When our journey is complete. [Refrain]
Litany of Promise
November 12, 2023
-FELLOWSHIP/OUTREACH COMMITTEE meets TODAY, Nov. 12 after worship service.
-CHANGE IN CHOIR PRACTICE TIME: Choir will be singing next on Sunday November 19. Please meet that morning in the north meeting room at 9:30 AM to practice. Make a joyful noise to the Lord!
-TUESDAY MORNING COFFEE GROUP meets at First Lutheran Mission Coffee House at 9:30ish.
-THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER TIME meets in the Center meeting room 9:30-11:30. Come visit and see what we are about!
-SISTERHOOD meets Thursday, Nov. 16 at 11:30 AM at First Lutheran’s Mission Coffee House.
-MEN’S BROTHERHOOD meets Thursday, Nov. 16 at 5:30 PM at the church.
-WORSHIP COMMITTEE will meet Nov. 19 after worship service.
-MONETARY DONATIONS FOR FEEDING BROOKINGS HOLIDAY DISTRIBUTION are being accepted until Thanksgiving. Please put donations in the offering plate and write ‘Feeding Brookings’ on the memo line or use the envelopes by the offering plates. Thank you for your generosity!
Gather together! You are welcome here, and you will hear Good News.
We escape from a world of discouraging and negative voices.
God speaks to you today with the voice of encouragement.
We lift up our hearts, ready to accept God’s love.
All: Together let us worship our God.
*HYMN #487 (Blue) ‘When Morning Gilds the Skies’
When morning gilds the sky,
my heart awaking cries: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Alike at work and prayer
To Jesus I repair: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Does sadness fill my mind?
A solace here I find: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Or fades my earthly bliss?
My comfort still is this: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Let earth's wide circle round
in joyful notes resound: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Let air and sea and sky
from depth to height reply: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Be this, while life is mine,
My canticle divine: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Be this the eternal song
Through all the ages long: May Jesus Christ be praised!
Lord God, we come to you from our challenging lives to seek your peace; knowing we have not been all that we should be. We have not relied on your word or wisdom, we have not shown concern or compassion when we should have; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves; we have remained silent when we should have spoken and spoken when we should have been silent. Forgive us, Lord. Give us strength, direction and passion to reflect your light of love and grace in this world. We ask this in Christ’s name, Amen.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen, Amen.
Psalm 112:1-6 (read responsively)
1 Praise the LORD! Happy are those who fear the LORD,
who greatly delight in his commandments.
2 Their descendants will be mighty in the land;
the generation of the upright will be blessed.
3 Wealth and riches are in their houses,
and their righteousness endures forever.
4 They rise in the darkness as a light for the upright;
they are gracious, merciful, and righteous.
5 It is well with those who deal generously and lend,
who conduct their affairs with justice.
6 For the righteous will never be moved;
they will be remembered forever.
Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:13-16
13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything but is thrown out and trampled under foot.
14 “You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. 15 People do not light a lamp and put it under the bushel basket; rather, they put it on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.
SERMON Salt, Light, and Joy Donna Flint, CRE
AFFIRMATION OF FAITH--The Apostle’s Creed (in unison)
I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.
Litany of Promise
Robby and Donna Flint, Pastors, First Presbyterian Brookings
1 Cor. 12:4–7, 27
Leader: There are varieties of gifts, but it is the same Spirit who gives them.
People: There are different ways of serving God, but it is the same Lord who is served.
Leader: God works through each person in a unique way, but it is God’s purpose that is accomplished.
People: To each is given a gift of the Spirit to be used for the common good.
Leader: Together we are the body of Christ, and individually members of it.
Leader: We are all called into the church of Jesus Christ by baptism, and marked as Christ’s own by the Holy Spirit. This is our common calling, to be disciples and servants of our servant Lord. Within the community of the church, some are called to particular service.
Today, the session, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, affirms that Robby and Donna Flint , Commissioned Ruling Elders for the Presbytery of South Dakota have been called to serve as pastors at First Presbyterian Church, Brookings.
Robby and Donna you stand among us to provide service as pastors among the people of this church, a gift from God to equip this church in the work of ministry.
Robby and Donna, do you accept this ministry in confidence that it comes from God? I DO
Robby and Donna, you have been commissioned to serve as Commissioned Ruling Elders in the Presbytery of South Dakota, and when commissioned, you proclaimed your faith in Jesus Christ as your savior. We ask you today to reaffirm this faith by answering the following questions.
Do you trust in Jesus Christ your Savior, acknowledge him Lord of all and Head of the Church, and through him believe in one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? I DO
Do you accept the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be, by the Holy Spirit, the unique and authoritative witness to Jesus Christ in the Church universal, and God’s Word to you? I DO
Do you sincerely receive and adopt the essential tenets of the Reformed faith as expressed in the confessions of our church as authentic and reliable expositions of what Scripture leads us to believe and do, and will you be instructed and led by those confessions as you lead the people of God? I DO
Will you fulfill your ministry in obedience to Jesus Christ, under the authority of Scripture, and be continually guided by our confessions? I WILL, WITH GOD’S HELP
Will you be governed by our church’s polity, and will you abide by its discipline? I WILL
Will you in your own life seek to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, love your neighbors, and work for the reconciliation of the world? I WILL, WITH GOD’S HELP
Do you promise to further the peace, unity, and purity of the church? I WILL
Will you pray for and seek to serve the people with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love? I WILL
Will you be faithful pastors serving this church, serving the people by proclaiming the good news, teaching faith and caring for the people, and in your ministry will you try to show the love and justice of Jesus Christ? I WILL, WITH GOD’S HELP
For the congregation (lead by elder):
Do we, the members of this church, receive and welcome Robby and Donna Flint as servants of our Lord in service to this church? WE DO
Do we agree to encourage and pray for Robby and Donna as they accept this responsibility for our common life? WE DO
Do we agree to respect their guidance and to work alongside Robby and Donna as together we serve Jesus Christ who alone is Head of the Church? WE DO.
Will we listen to the word they preach, welcome their pastoral care, and honor their responsibility as together we all seek to honor and obey Jesus Christ our Lord? WE WILL
Leader: Gracious God, pour out your Spirit upon your servants, Robby and Donna, whom you called by baptism as your own. Grant them the same mind that was in Christ Jesus. Give them a spirit of truthfulness rightly to proclaim your Word in Christ from pulpit, table, and font, and in the words and actions of daily living. Give them the gifts of your Holy Spirit to build up the church, to strengthen the common life of your people, and to lead with compassion and vision, that their work may stir each of us to a life of faithful service. In the walk of faith and for the work of ministry, give to your servants Robby and Donna, gladness and strength, discipline and hope, humility, humor, and courage, and an abiding sense of your presence. Amen.
Robby and Donna:
Gracious God, pour out your Spirit upon this congregation that we may be for you a holy people. Sustain this congregation in ministry. Ground us in the gospel. Secure our hope in Christ, strengthen our service to the outcast, and increase our love for one another. Show us the transformative power of your grace in our life together, that we may be effective servants of the gospel, offering a compelling witness in the world to the good news of Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
*HYMN OF RESPONSE # 418 (Blue) ‘God, Bless Your Church with Strength!’
God, bless Your church with strength! Wherever we may be,
Upbuild Your servants as we work In common ministry.
Urge us from fledgling faith to venture and to soar
Through open skies, to sing the praise of Christ whom we adore.
God, bless Your church with life! May all our branches thrive,
Unblemished, wholesome, bearing fruit, Abundantly alive.
From You, one holy vine, In freedom may we grow;
Sustain us in our mission, Lord, Your love and peace to show.
God, bless Your church with hope! Despite chaotic days,
May we in chaos shine to light pathway through life’s maze.
May justice be our aim, and kindness ours to share,
In humbleness O may we walk, assured our God is there!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
-Roger J
-Gayle F
-Carol G
-Robert (Robby’s father)
-Susan H (MK’s daughter)
-Maxine D
-Andrew N (friend of Ella)
-Barb (Bob O’s sister)
-Anthony B (Teri’s son)
-USS South Dakota, captain and crew
-Jim (Dianne L’s husband)
-Nelda H
-Betty G
-Richard C and Dolores as caregiver
-Bob J and Jan as caregiver
-Darwin L and Jeanne as caregiver
-Bob O and Nancy as caregiver
-Andrew & Beth L
-Gwen B (Lee P’s friend)
-Patty (friend of Michele and Brookings)
-Harry (Bonnie S’s father)
Our homebound or in care members: Richard C, Bob J, Delores K, Rose P, Joyce R, Cliff R, Dee W (Please reach out and call)
This Week’s Prayer Families: Maxine D, Bill & Ann D, John E, Mary E
Those who mourn: We pray for the Bierstedt, Riedesel, Eich, Ohnstad, VanderWaal, Broksieck, Canaday, Barnett, Fee, Goodale, McCann, and Webster families and all who have lost loved ones.
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever, Amen.
*HYMN ‘Take the Name of Jesus with You’
Take the name of Jesus with you,
Child of sorrow and of woe.
It will joy and comfort give you,
Take it then where'er you go.
Precious name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of heaven;
Precious name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of heaven.
Take the name of Jesus ever
As a shield from every snare;
When temptations round you gather,
Breathe that holy name in prayer. [Refrain]
Oh, the precious name of Jesus!
How it thrills our souls with joy,
When His loving arms receive us
And His songs our tongues employ. [Refrain]
At the name of Jesus bowing,
Falling prostrate at His feet,
King of kings, in heav’n we’ll crown Him
When our journey is complete. [Refrain]