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NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY? If you need a ride to church, please contact a Deacon or speak to Ella Lane.
THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE (December 1-7)
SUNDAY Dec. 1 @ 11:30 AM Tying Prayer Quilts for Babies
SUNDAY Dec. 1 @ 11:30 AM Advent Potluck
SUNDAY Dec. 1 @ 6:00 PM Adult Bell Choir practice
MONDAY Dec. 2 @ 7:00 PM Building & Grounds Meeting
TUESDAY Dec. 3 @ 9:30 AM Coffee Group
TUESDAY Dec. 3 @ 1:00 PM Prayer Quilt Group
WEDNESDAY Dec. 4 @ 7:00 PM Choir practice
THURSDAY Dec. 5 @ 9:30 AM Bible Study
THURSDAY Dec. 5 @ 5:15 PM Deacons Meeting
THURSDAY Dec. 5 @ 7:00 PM Boy Scouts
SATURDAY Dec. 7 Ringing Salvation Army bells
BABY PRAYER QUILTS TO BE TIED: After the worship service today, please come to the center meeting room if you would like to tie a knot and say a prayer for 3 completed baby quilts. These quilts will be dedicated next Sunday, December 8, and given to the babies in our church family.
ADVENT POTLUCK will be held after worship services on Sundays, December 1, 8, 15, and 22. Feel free to bring your own plates and silverware along with a dish to share!
FROM THE TREASURER: Offering varies each month of the year, which makes it difficult to project our year- end financial status. If our prediction was accurate and giving was evenly distributed throughout the year, income through the end of October, 2019 would be about $137,500. We are about $16,000 short of that amount. In the monthly financial report, we find income greater than expenses at this time but that is primarily due to a much reduced staff expense (no pastor expenses) for the last six months. Hopefully we will find the offering increase significantly in December as we prepare a new budget with full staff.
CHURCH FAMILY CHRISTMAS TREE: Please help us decorate the tree coming soon to the narthex by bringing pictures of yourself/family. A copy of the picture will become an ornament and your picture will be returned unharmed.
SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING: We will be ringing the bells in the entryway of Lewis Drug this year on Saturday, December 7 from 10:00 AM-6:00 PM. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.
PROJECT JOY: A box is in the narthex next to the name tags to collect unwrapped clothing and toys for Project Joy. Money may be donated in the offering plates and the Youth from Sunday school will shop for you. Please have your donations to the church by Monday, Dec. 11. Project Joy provides children and families living in Brookings County who are in need an opportunity to receive holiday gifts. Let’s open our hearts this holiday season and bring Joy to area children and families in need by generously donating to Project Joy.
POINSETTIAS FOR ADVENT/CHRISTMAS - We would like to encourage you or your family to participate in the annual tradition of bringing a poinsettia for Christmas remembrances and celebration throughout Advent/Christmas. Please drop off your plant during office hours. Contact the church office if you need someone to pick up your purchased plant from a local florist/store or if you would prefer someone to purchase a plant for you.
BIRTHDAYS in December: Dean Hofland, LaVonne Broksieck, Carrie Van Buren, Rozanne McGrath, Marge Poppen, Sally Maca, Jan Broksieck
ANNIVERSARIES in December: Dee & Lois Watson, Stephen & Carrie Van Buren, Bob & Pat Fishback, Skip & Sharon Webster, Neal & Julie Foster
PRAYER CONCERNS Those with health concerns: Jan Jones, Paul & Shirley Rudolph, Jack & Alice Edge, Rozella Potthast, Bev Erdahl, Andrew L’Amour, Eliana Szabo, Delores Koepsell, John Peterson, Stephen & Carrie Van Buren, Lois Watson, Barb Borstad, Michele Kemp, Gary Larson
Our homebound (or partially homebound) members: Barb Borstad, Henrietta Gohring, Don Hildebrandt, Nona Marshall, Helen Peterson, Cliff Rindels, Dee & Lois Watson
All are invited to the Advent potluck in the fellowship hall following worship service.
IF DESIRING A VISIT: If you or a family member are in the hospital and you wish a visit, please contact the church office or any Deacon or Elder. Due to privacy laws, the hospitals are not permitted to contact churches or reply to church’s inquires. If you know of anyone who needs or desires any other pastoral care, please also contact us.
NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY? If you need a ride to church, please contact a Deacon or speak to Ella Lane.
THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE (December 1-7)
SUNDAY Dec. 1 @ 11:30 AM Tying Prayer Quilts for Babies
SUNDAY Dec. 1 @ 11:30 AM Advent Potluck
SUNDAY Dec. 1 @ 6:00 PM Adult Bell Choir practice
MONDAY Dec. 2 @ 7:00 PM Building & Grounds Meeting
TUESDAY Dec. 3 @ 9:30 AM Coffee Group
TUESDAY Dec. 3 @ 1:00 PM Prayer Quilt Group
WEDNESDAY Dec. 4 @ 7:00 PM Choir practice
THURSDAY Dec. 5 @ 9:30 AM Bible Study
THURSDAY Dec. 5 @ 5:15 PM Deacons Meeting
THURSDAY Dec. 5 @ 7:00 PM Boy Scouts
SATURDAY Dec. 7 Ringing Salvation Army bells
BABY PRAYER QUILTS TO BE TIED: After the worship service today, please come to the center meeting room if you would like to tie a knot and say a prayer for 3 completed baby quilts. These quilts will be dedicated next Sunday, December 8, and given to the babies in our church family.
ADVENT POTLUCK will be held after worship services on Sundays, December 1, 8, 15, and 22. Feel free to bring your own plates and silverware along with a dish to share!
FROM THE TREASURER: Offering varies each month of the year, which makes it difficult to project our year- end financial status. If our prediction was accurate and giving was evenly distributed throughout the year, income through the end of October, 2019 would be about $137,500. We are about $16,000 short of that amount. In the monthly financial report, we find income greater than expenses at this time but that is primarily due to a much reduced staff expense (no pastor expenses) for the last six months. Hopefully we will find the offering increase significantly in December as we prepare a new budget with full staff.
CHURCH FAMILY CHRISTMAS TREE: Please help us decorate the tree coming soon to the narthex by bringing pictures of yourself/family. A copy of the picture will become an ornament and your picture will be returned unharmed.
SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING: We will be ringing the bells in the entryway of Lewis Drug this year on Saturday, December 7 from 10:00 AM-6:00 PM. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.
PROJECT JOY: A box is in the narthex next to the name tags to collect unwrapped clothing and toys for Project Joy. Money may be donated in the offering plates and the Youth from Sunday school will shop for you. Please have your donations to the church by Monday, Dec. 11. Project Joy provides children and families living in Brookings County who are in need an opportunity to receive holiday gifts. Let’s open our hearts this holiday season and bring Joy to area children and families in need by generously donating to Project Joy.
POINSETTIAS FOR ADVENT/CHRISTMAS - We would like to encourage you or your family to participate in the annual tradition of bringing a poinsettia for Christmas remembrances and celebration throughout Advent/Christmas. Please drop off your plant during office hours. Contact the church office if you need someone to pick up your purchased plant from a local florist/store or if you would prefer someone to purchase a plant for you.
BIRTHDAYS in December: Dean Hofland, LaVonne Broksieck, Carrie Van Buren, Rozanne McGrath, Marge Poppen, Sally Maca, Jan Broksieck
ANNIVERSARIES in December: Dee & Lois Watson, Stephen & Carrie Van Buren, Bob & Pat Fishback, Skip & Sharon Webster, Neal & Julie Foster
PRAYER CONCERNS Those with health concerns: Jan Jones, Paul & Shirley Rudolph, Jack & Alice Edge, Rozella Potthast, Bev Erdahl, Andrew L’Amour, Eliana Szabo, Delores Koepsell, John Peterson, Stephen & Carrie Van Buren, Lois Watson, Barb Borstad, Michele Kemp, Gary Larson
Our homebound (or partially homebound) members: Barb Borstad, Henrietta Gohring, Don Hildebrandt, Nona Marshall, Helen Peterson, Cliff Rindels, Dee & Lois Watson
All are invited to the Advent potluck in the fellowship hall following worship service.
IF DESIRING A VISIT: If you or a family member are in the hospital and you wish a visit, please contact the church office or any Deacon or Elder. Due to privacy laws, the hospitals are not permitted to contact churches or reply to church’s inquires. If you know of anyone who needs or desires any other pastoral care, please also contact us.