December 16, 2018 10:30 am
PRELUDE “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” arr. Bumgarner
(Youth: Trent Broksieck, Allison Moerke, Lynn Foster, Emma Moerke)
*CALL TO WORSHIP (bells ring 3 times) Skylar Hinricher, Andrew Sweebe
Leader: The bells rang out a message, of a manger filled with hay.
All: Where God’s Son, Baby Jesus, was born on Christmas day.
(bells ring 3 times)
Leader: Bells ring out at Christmas, to celebrate his birth
All: Jesus is the King, who came from heaven to earth.
Lighting of the candle and Scripture Reading Isaiah 12:3-5 by LaVonne Broksieck & Trent Broksieck
*HYMN #41 "O Come, All Ye Faithful" (verses 1 & 3)
God of joy, during this season of anticipation, we confess that we busy ourselves with many preparations and neglect preparing our hearts for your coming. We do not always live in the joy of the Good News. Forgive us and open our hearts to your gift of Jesus Christ. Through Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Leader: Friends, Believe this good news. Because of Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
All: Halleluiah, Amen!
*RESPONSE #579 “Gloria Patri”
Luke 2:1-14 (pg. 832) Dylan Scubelek & Saige Hinricher
Special Music “Glory to God in the Highest” Youth & Children Luke 2:15-16 Skylar Hinricher
Matthew 2:1-11 Skylar Hinricher & Paige Foster
*Please pass the Friendship Register*
Offertory “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus” Prichard/Schram
*Doxology #592
*Prayer of Dedication
MESSAGE “Twas the Night Before Christmas”
In order of appearance: Paige Foster, Stanley Scubelek, Gayle Foster, Emma Moerke, Skylar Hinricher, Allison Moerke, Trent Broksieck, Dylan Scubelek, Ramsie Hinricher, Saige Hinricher
HYMN #25 “Away in the Manger” (verses 1 & 2)
HYMN #23 “Angels We Have Heard on High” (verses 1 & 2)
HYMN #60 “Silent Night, Holy Night” (verses 1 & 2)
*HYMN #40 “Joy to the World!”
Lord, for this joy, we give you thanks.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen
*HYMN #29 “Go, Tell It on the Mountain”
BENEDICTION (Emma Moerke, Saige Hinricher, Dylan Scubelek, Stanley Broksieck, & Ramsie Hinricher)
POSTLUDE “Nun komm der Heiden Heiland” Zachau
ANNOUNCEMENTS NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY? If you need a ride please contact a Deacon or speak to Ella Lane.
THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE (December 16-22)
SUNDAY December 16 @ 11:30 AM Advent Potluck
SUNDAY December 16 @ 6:00 PM Bell Choir practice
TUESDAY December 18 @ 9:30 AM Coffee Group
WEDNESDAY December 19 @ 7:00 PM Choir Practice
THURSDAY December 20 @ 9:30 AM Bible Study
THURSDAY December 20 @ 5:30 PM Men’s Brotherhood
ADVENT POTLUCK will be held after worship services on Sundays, December 2, 9, 16, and 23 instead of on Wednesday evenings this year. Feel free to bring your own plates and silverware along with a dish to share!
FEEDING BROOKINGS will once again be hosting a meal for Christmas. First Presbyterian Church has been asked to donate 200 boxes of scalloped or au gratin potatoes. We will be accepting donations through Sunday, December 16. Thank you for your generosity!
CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE will be held December 24 at 7:00 p.m.
BIRTHDAYS in December: Dean Hofland, LaVonne Broksieck, Carrie Van Buren, Rozanne McGrath, Heidi Miller, Marge Poppen, Sally Maca, Jan Broksieck
ANNIVERSARIES in December: Dee & Lois Watson, Stephen & Carrie Van Buren, Bob & Pat Fishback, Skip & Sharon Webster, Neal & Julie Foster
PRAYER CONCERNS Those with health concerns: Jan Jones, Paul & Shirley Rudolph, Jack & Alice Edge, Beth Rindels, Rozella Potthast, Bev Erdahl, Andrew L’Amour, Eliana Szabo, Michele Kemp, Delores Koepsell, John Peterson, Stephen Van Buren
Our homebound (or partially homebound) members: Barb Borstad, Don Hildebrandt, Nona Marshall, Helen Peterson, Adele Sudlow
In Loving Memory/in Honor From
* Jean Bartling Bartling Family
* Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Berg Jeanne Manzer
* Orville & Elizabeth Canaday & Richard & Dolores Canaday
Eddie & Della Sirovy
* Dornbush & Biggar Families Maxine Dornbush
* To the Church Bart & Andrew Sweebe
* Daniel Thompson Nancy Thompson
* Pastor Nina L. Westfall Skip & Sharon Webster
We would like to encourage you or your family to participate in the annual tradition of our members bringing a plant for Christmas remembrances and celebration. We’d love to display your poinsettia throughout Advent. If you need someone from the church to pick up your purchased plant from a local florist or store, please call the church office. You can also drop off your poinsettia during office hours.
PRELUDE “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” arr. Bumgarner
(Youth: Trent Broksieck, Allison Moerke, Lynn Foster, Emma Moerke)
*CALL TO WORSHIP (bells ring 3 times) Skylar Hinricher, Andrew Sweebe
Leader: The bells rang out a message, of a manger filled with hay.
All: Where God’s Son, Baby Jesus, was born on Christmas day.
(bells ring 3 times)
Leader: Bells ring out at Christmas, to celebrate his birth
All: Jesus is the King, who came from heaven to earth.
Lighting of the candle and Scripture Reading Isaiah 12:3-5 by LaVonne Broksieck & Trent Broksieck
*HYMN #41 "O Come, All Ye Faithful" (verses 1 & 3)
God of joy, during this season of anticipation, we confess that we busy ourselves with many preparations and neglect preparing our hearts for your coming. We do not always live in the joy of the Good News. Forgive us and open our hearts to your gift of Jesus Christ. Through Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Leader: Friends, Believe this good news. Because of Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
All: Halleluiah, Amen!
*RESPONSE #579 “Gloria Patri”
Luke 2:1-14 (pg. 832) Dylan Scubelek & Saige Hinricher
Special Music “Glory to God in the Highest” Youth & Children Luke 2:15-16 Skylar Hinricher
Matthew 2:1-11 Skylar Hinricher & Paige Foster
*Please pass the Friendship Register*
Offertory “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus” Prichard/Schram
*Doxology #592
*Prayer of Dedication
MESSAGE “Twas the Night Before Christmas”
In order of appearance: Paige Foster, Stanley Scubelek, Gayle Foster, Emma Moerke, Skylar Hinricher, Allison Moerke, Trent Broksieck, Dylan Scubelek, Ramsie Hinricher, Saige Hinricher
HYMN #25 “Away in the Manger” (verses 1 & 2)
HYMN #23 “Angels We Have Heard on High” (verses 1 & 2)
HYMN #60 “Silent Night, Holy Night” (verses 1 & 2)
*HYMN #40 “Joy to the World!”
Lord, for this joy, we give you thanks.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen
*HYMN #29 “Go, Tell It on the Mountain”
BENEDICTION (Emma Moerke, Saige Hinricher, Dylan Scubelek, Stanley Broksieck, & Ramsie Hinricher)
POSTLUDE “Nun komm der Heiden Heiland” Zachau
ANNOUNCEMENTS NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY? If you need a ride please contact a Deacon or speak to Ella Lane.
THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE (December 16-22)
SUNDAY December 16 @ 11:30 AM Advent Potluck
SUNDAY December 16 @ 6:00 PM Bell Choir practice
TUESDAY December 18 @ 9:30 AM Coffee Group
WEDNESDAY December 19 @ 7:00 PM Choir Practice
THURSDAY December 20 @ 9:30 AM Bible Study
THURSDAY December 20 @ 5:30 PM Men’s Brotherhood
ADVENT POTLUCK will be held after worship services on Sundays, December 2, 9, 16, and 23 instead of on Wednesday evenings this year. Feel free to bring your own plates and silverware along with a dish to share!
FEEDING BROOKINGS will once again be hosting a meal for Christmas. First Presbyterian Church has been asked to donate 200 boxes of scalloped or au gratin potatoes. We will be accepting donations through Sunday, December 16. Thank you for your generosity!
CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE will be held December 24 at 7:00 p.m.
BIRTHDAYS in December: Dean Hofland, LaVonne Broksieck, Carrie Van Buren, Rozanne McGrath, Heidi Miller, Marge Poppen, Sally Maca, Jan Broksieck
ANNIVERSARIES in December: Dee & Lois Watson, Stephen & Carrie Van Buren, Bob & Pat Fishback, Skip & Sharon Webster, Neal & Julie Foster
PRAYER CONCERNS Those with health concerns: Jan Jones, Paul & Shirley Rudolph, Jack & Alice Edge, Beth Rindels, Rozella Potthast, Bev Erdahl, Andrew L’Amour, Eliana Szabo, Michele Kemp, Delores Koepsell, John Peterson, Stephen Van Buren
Our homebound (or partially homebound) members: Barb Borstad, Don Hildebrandt, Nona Marshall, Helen Peterson, Adele Sudlow
In Loving Memory/in Honor From
* Jean Bartling Bartling Family
* Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Berg Jeanne Manzer
* Orville & Elizabeth Canaday & Richard & Dolores Canaday
Eddie & Della Sirovy
* Dornbush & Biggar Families Maxine Dornbush
* To the Church Bart & Andrew Sweebe
* Daniel Thompson Nancy Thompson
* Pastor Nina L. Westfall Skip & Sharon Webster
We would like to encourage you or your family to participate in the annual tradition of our members bringing a plant for Christmas remembrances and celebration. We’d love to display your poinsettia throughout Advent. If you need someone from the church to pick up your purchased plant from a local florist or store, please call the church office. You can also drop off your poinsettia during office hours.
- December 23 & 30 – there will be no Children’s Sunday School. There is no change in schedule for the Adult Sunday School.
- January 6 -- installation of new officers during worship service
- January 16 – submit annual reports to the church office