April 7, 2019 10:30 am
PRELUDE “Give Me Jesus” arr. Johnston
Leader: We come to this place because we want to know God,
All: who helps us set aside the past, to walk the path to new life.
Leader: We come in these moments because we want to know Jesus,
All: who anoints us with the resurrection, who shares our lives with us.
Leader: We come with these people because we want to know the Spirit,
All: who shapes us for life with God, so we may praise God forever!
*HYMN #76 “My Song is Love Unknown”
Like Judas, God of new things, we like to complain about your generous ways, rather than living in your grace. The poor are always with us, we believe, which justifies our ignoring them. In our memories, we see a perceived golden past, and so close our eyes to the new things you do in our midst. We are so enamored with our achievements that we are not willing to throw them away in order to follow Jesus.
Forgive us, Restoring God, and help us to notice the kingdom springing forth in our midst. By your grace, may our fears turn to faith, our seeds of grief produce a bumper crop of joy, and our tears turn into torrents of tenderness as we journey with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, to Jerusalem. Amen.
*RESPONSE #579 “Gloria Patri”
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen
SPECIAL MUSIC “There I Met the Master” by Mosie Lister Jan Jones
*Please pass the Friendship Register*
Offertory “Fairest Lord Jesus” arr. Bober
*Doxology #592 *Prayer of Dedication and Illumination
SCRIPTURE READINGS Pastor Ann Spitzenberger
Psalm 126
John 12:1-8
MESSAGE “What Is the Cost?” Pastor Ann Spitzenberger, Guest Speaker
*HYMN #366 “Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me”
Leader: Dear friends, we are going to Jerusalem with Jesus. All: He is our pardon, our healing, and our peace! Leader: We will suffer the trial with him, resisting evil. All: With him, we will walk the path to life. Leader: But come first to the table where there is food for the journey. All: With hearts full of joy we come, Leader: giving thanks to God, our maker, All: and offering our praise!
We are right to praise you, faithful God! You answer sin with grace; you guide our wayward steps toward home. You are mending for the broken, safety for the poor, belonging for the outcast, strength for the weak, and pardon for the sinner. You reveal your kindness in every sorrow, your mercy even in death. All your creatures see your works; they sing your steadfast love.
Leader: Now, O God, we remember Jesus. He fasted and prayed; he was tempted and tried. All: He relied on you for everything. Leader: He was obedient to you and scorned by the powers of this world. All: He confounded the haughty and gave hope to the humble. Leader: He was betrayed and deserted. He died between thieves and was buried in a borrowed grave. All: You gave him new life. He lives even now, our healer and friend. Leader: He loved us well, loved us to the end, and loves us still. All: Even on the night of betrayal, he ate supper with his friends.
Holy Spirit, come! Make all things new. Bless this bread which you have given and human hands have made. Let it become for us the bread of life. Bless also this cup, fruit of the vine and work of human hands. Let it become for us the cup of salvation. Bless us also who eat and drink, that in this sharing we may know the living Christ who is with us now, and to the end of the age. Nourish us by these gifts to be willing servants of your world until the kingdom comes, and every creature beholds it. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
HYMN #505 “Be Known to Us in Breaking Bread”
Words of Institution…
Sharing Bread and Cup…
Let us give thanks!
Thank you, merciful God, for gladness in this bread and cup, for love that cannot die, for peace the world cannot give, for joy in the company of friends, for the splendors of creation, and for the mission of justice you have made our own. Give us the gifts of this holy communion — oneness of heart, love for neighbors, forgiveness of enemies, the will to serve you every day, and life that never ends. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. *HYMN #367 “Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love”
POSTLUDE “Rock of Ages”
NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY? If you need a ride please contact a Deacon or speak to Ella Lane.
SUNDAY April 7 @ 9:00 AM Confirmation
SUNDAY April 7 @ 10:30 AM Brunch by Men’s Brotherhood
SUNDAY April 7 @ 11:30 AM Worship/Communion
TUESDAY April 9 @ 9:30 AM Coffee Group
TUESDAY April 9 @ 6:30 PM Mission/Finance Meeting
WEDNESDAY April 10 @ 7:00 PM Choir Practice
THURSDAY April 11 @ 9:30 AM Bible Study
THURSDAY April 11 @ 7:00 PM Session Meeting
THURSDAY April 11 @ 7:00 PM Boy Scout Meeting
SATURDAY April 13 @ 9:30 AM Prayer Quilt Sew Day
SATURDAY April 13 @ 10:00 AM The Big Event
ECUMENICAL WEDNESDAY LENTEN LUNCH & WORSHIP will be held at the First Lutheran Activity Center, Main Ave & 8th St on April 10. The meal will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. with the service following. The lunch proceeds will benefit the Brookings Area Ministerial Association.
PRAYER QUILT SEWING DAY will be held Saturday, April 13, 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the quilt room on the main floor. Anyone interested in sewing quilts for tying is invited to come and help. Please contact Dolores Canaday, Nancy Thompson, Bonnie Foster or Lee Peterson if any questions.
THE BIG EVENT On April 13th, students of SDSU will go into the Brookings community for 2 hours and help community members with projects around their home, business, or organization. First Presbyterian Church will be participating by hosting students for The Big Event as we did last year. On April 13 there will also be a Victory Rally sponsored by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Frost Arena. Minnesota Vikings Quarterback Kirk Cousins will be the guest speaker. On April 14, Alpha Gamma Rho & Sigma Alpha will sponsor a Pancake Feed at the Old Sanctuary. Information is on the bulletin board.
EASTER LILIES: Easter will be celebrated on April 21st this year. Easter lilies given in memory and honor of family and friends are a very special part of our Easter celebration. If you would like to provide a lily, there is a sign-up sheet on the counter in the church office. Please list your name and the name of the person(s) in whose honor or memory the lily is provided by April 17th. These names will be included on the Easter morning bulletin insert. (Stamens will be removed to lessen allergy issues.)
BIRTHDAYS in April: Gayle Foster, Roger Jenner, Andrew L’Amour, Nona Marshall, Jennifer Hinricher, Ramsie Hinricher, Anna DeGraff, Lee Peterson, Ann Spitzenberger, Dee Watson, Pat Fishback, Richard Smith, Calvin Vaudrey
ANNIVERSARIES in April: Lynn & Diane Riedesel, John & Robin Eich, Larry & Diane Anderson
PRAYER CONCERNS Those with health concerns: Jan Jones, Paul & Shirley Rudolph, Jack & Alice Edge, Beth Rindels, Rozella Potthast, Bev Erdahl, Andrew L’Amour, Eliana Szabo, Michele Kemp, Delores Koepsell, John Peterson, Stephen & Carrie Van Buren, Lois Watson, Barb Borstad, Nancy Thompson
Our homebound (or partially homebound) members: Barb Borstad, Don Hildebrandt, Nona Marshall, Helen Peterson, Adele Sudlow, Dee & Lois Watson
PRELUDE “Give Me Jesus” arr. Johnston
Leader: We come to this place because we want to know God,
All: who helps us set aside the past, to walk the path to new life.
Leader: We come in these moments because we want to know Jesus,
All: who anoints us with the resurrection, who shares our lives with us.
Leader: We come with these people because we want to know the Spirit,
All: who shapes us for life with God, so we may praise God forever!
*HYMN #76 “My Song is Love Unknown”
Like Judas, God of new things, we like to complain about your generous ways, rather than living in your grace. The poor are always with us, we believe, which justifies our ignoring them. In our memories, we see a perceived golden past, and so close our eyes to the new things you do in our midst. We are so enamored with our achievements that we are not willing to throw them away in order to follow Jesus.
Forgive us, Restoring God, and help us to notice the kingdom springing forth in our midst. By your grace, may our fears turn to faith, our seeds of grief produce a bumper crop of joy, and our tears turn into torrents of tenderness as we journey with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, to Jerusalem. Amen.
*RESPONSE #579 “Gloria Patri”
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen
SPECIAL MUSIC “There I Met the Master” by Mosie Lister Jan Jones
*Please pass the Friendship Register*
Offertory “Fairest Lord Jesus” arr. Bober
*Doxology #592 *Prayer of Dedication and Illumination
SCRIPTURE READINGS Pastor Ann Spitzenberger
Psalm 126
John 12:1-8
MESSAGE “What Is the Cost?” Pastor Ann Spitzenberger, Guest Speaker
*HYMN #366 “Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me”
Leader: Dear friends, we are going to Jerusalem with Jesus. All: He is our pardon, our healing, and our peace! Leader: We will suffer the trial with him, resisting evil. All: With him, we will walk the path to life. Leader: But come first to the table where there is food for the journey. All: With hearts full of joy we come, Leader: giving thanks to God, our maker, All: and offering our praise!
We are right to praise you, faithful God! You answer sin with grace; you guide our wayward steps toward home. You are mending for the broken, safety for the poor, belonging for the outcast, strength for the weak, and pardon for the sinner. You reveal your kindness in every sorrow, your mercy even in death. All your creatures see your works; they sing your steadfast love.
Leader: Now, O God, we remember Jesus. He fasted and prayed; he was tempted and tried. All: He relied on you for everything. Leader: He was obedient to you and scorned by the powers of this world. All: He confounded the haughty and gave hope to the humble. Leader: He was betrayed and deserted. He died between thieves and was buried in a borrowed grave. All: You gave him new life. He lives even now, our healer and friend. Leader: He loved us well, loved us to the end, and loves us still. All: Even on the night of betrayal, he ate supper with his friends.
Holy Spirit, come! Make all things new. Bless this bread which you have given and human hands have made. Let it become for us the bread of life. Bless also this cup, fruit of the vine and work of human hands. Let it become for us the cup of salvation. Bless us also who eat and drink, that in this sharing we may know the living Christ who is with us now, and to the end of the age. Nourish us by these gifts to be willing servants of your world until the kingdom comes, and every creature beholds it. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
HYMN #505 “Be Known to Us in Breaking Bread”
Words of Institution…
Sharing Bread and Cup…
Let us give thanks!
Thank you, merciful God, for gladness in this bread and cup, for love that cannot die, for peace the world cannot give, for joy in the company of friends, for the splendors of creation, and for the mission of justice you have made our own. Give us the gifts of this holy communion — oneness of heart, love for neighbors, forgiveness of enemies, the will to serve you every day, and life that never ends. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. *HYMN #367 “Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love”
POSTLUDE “Rock of Ages”
NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY? If you need a ride please contact a Deacon or speak to Ella Lane.
SUNDAY April 7 @ 9:00 AM Confirmation
SUNDAY April 7 @ 10:30 AM Brunch by Men’s Brotherhood
SUNDAY April 7 @ 11:30 AM Worship/Communion
TUESDAY April 9 @ 9:30 AM Coffee Group
TUESDAY April 9 @ 6:30 PM Mission/Finance Meeting
WEDNESDAY April 10 @ 7:00 PM Choir Practice
THURSDAY April 11 @ 9:30 AM Bible Study
THURSDAY April 11 @ 7:00 PM Session Meeting
THURSDAY April 11 @ 7:00 PM Boy Scout Meeting
SATURDAY April 13 @ 9:30 AM Prayer Quilt Sew Day
SATURDAY April 13 @ 10:00 AM The Big Event
ECUMENICAL WEDNESDAY LENTEN LUNCH & WORSHIP will be held at the First Lutheran Activity Center, Main Ave & 8th St on April 10. The meal will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. with the service following. The lunch proceeds will benefit the Brookings Area Ministerial Association.
PRAYER QUILT SEWING DAY will be held Saturday, April 13, 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the quilt room on the main floor. Anyone interested in sewing quilts for tying is invited to come and help. Please contact Dolores Canaday, Nancy Thompson, Bonnie Foster or Lee Peterson if any questions.
THE BIG EVENT On April 13th, students of SDSU will go into the Brookings community for 2 hours and help community members with projects around their home, business, or organization. First Presbyterian Church will be participating by hosting students for The Big Event as we did last year. On April 13 there will also be a Victory Rally sponsored by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Frost Arena. Minnesota Vikings Quarterback Kirk Cousins will be the guest speaker. On April 14, Alpha Gamma Rho & Sigma Alpha will sponsor a Pancake Feed at the Old Sanctuary. Information is on the bulletin board.
EASTER LILIES: Easter will be celebrated on April 21st this year. Easter lilies given in memory and honor of family and friends are a very special part of our Easter celebration. If you would like to provide a lily, there is a sign-up sheet on the counter in the church office. Please list your name and the name of the person(s) in whose honor or memory the lily is provided by April 17th. These names will be included on the Easter morning bulletin insert. (Stamens will be removed to lessen allergy issues.)
BIRTHDAYS in April: Gayle Foster, Roger Jenner, Andrew L’Amour, Nona Marshall, Jennifer Hinricher, Ramsie Hinricher, Anna DeGraff, Lee Peterson, Ann Spitzenberger, Dee Watson, Pat Fishback, Richard Smith, Calvin Vaudrey
ANNIVERSARIES in April: Lynn & Diane Riedesel, John & Robin Eich, Larry & Diane Anderson
PRAYER CONCERNS Those with health concerns: Jan Jones, Paul & Shirley Rudolph, Jack & Alice Edge, Beth Rindels, Rozella Potthast, Bev Erdahl, Andrew L’Amour, Eliana Szabo, Michele Kemp, Delores Koepsell, John Peterson, Stephen & Carrie Van Buren, Lois Watson, Barb Borstad, Nancy Thompson
Our homebound (or partially homebound) members: Barb Borstad, Don Hildebrandt, Nona Marshall, Helen Peterson, Adele Sudlow, Dee & Lois Watson