Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
August 8, 2021
O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt God’s name together.
We sought the Lord, and God answered us.
God delivered us from all our fears.
O taste and see that the Lord is good!
Happy are those who take refuge in God.
*HYMN #442 “The Church’s One Foundation”
The church’s one foundation
Is Jesus Christ her Lord;
She is His new creation
By water and the word.
From heaven He came and sought her
To be His holy bride;
With His own blood He bought her,
And for her life He died.
Elect from every nation,
Yet one o’er all the earth;
Her charter of salvation,
One Lord, one faith, one birth;
One holy name she blesses,
Partakes one holy food,
And to one hope she presses,
With every grace endued.
Though with a scornful wonder
This world sees her oppressed,
By schisms rent asunder
By heresies distressed,
Yet saints their watch are keeping;
Their cry goes up: “How long?”
And soon the night of weeping
Shall be the morn of song.
Mid toil and tribulation,
And tumult of her war,
She waits the consummation
Of peace forevermore.
Till with the vision glorious
Her longing eyes are blest,
And the great church victorious
Shall be the church at rest.
Yet she on earth has union
With God, the Three in One,
And mystic sweet communion
With those whose rest is won;
Oh, happy ones and holy!
God, give us grace that we,
Like them, the meek and lowly,
May live eternally.
Almighty God, you sent your Holy Spirit to be the life and light of your church. Open our hearts to the riches of your grace, that we may bring forth the fruit of the Spirit in love, joy, and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
The Spirit of God helps us in our weakness,
interceding with sighs too deep for words.
Trusting in God’s grace, let us confess our sin.
Hear our prayer, O God of grace. You have called us to wear truth as a garment, but we are prone to lie and would rather wear a mask. You have called us to struggle against evil in this world, but instead we struggle for success and for power. You have called us to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, but we keep it to ourselves, for fear of being judged. Hear our prayer, O God of grace. Clothe us in your strength, peace, and faith. Wash us in your mercy, and make us imitators of your compassion. Amen.
(Silent reflection)
Hear the good news of God’s promise: I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh.
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!
Thanks be to God.
GLORIA PATRI (please stand)
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen, Am
Sovereign God, let your Word rule in our hearts and your Spirit govern our lives until at last we see the fulfillment of your realm of justice and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.
Ezekiel 37:4
Psalm 34:1-8 (read responsively)
1 I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
2 My soul makes its boast in the Lord;
let the humble hear and be glad.
3 O magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together.
4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me,
and delivered me from all my fears.
5 Look to him, and be radiant;
so your faces shall never be ashamed.
6 This poor soul cried, and was heard by the Lord,
and was saved from every trouble.
7 The angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear him, and delivers them.
8 O taste and see that the Lord is good;
happy are those who take refuge in him.
Ephesians 4:25-5:2
25 So then, putting away falsehood, let all of us speak the truth to our neighbors, for we are members of one another. 26 Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27 and do not make room for the devil. 28 Thieves must give up stealing; rather let them labor and work honestly with their own hands, so as to have something to share with the needy. 29 Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with which you were marked with a seal for the day of redemption. 31 Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, 32 and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.
1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, 2 and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
This is the good news which we have received, in which we stand, and by which we are saved.
Thanks be to God. 1 Corinthians 15:1–2
REFLECTION: “Making Peace” Rev. Norlita Kaul
HYMN: #372 “Lord, I Want to be a Christian”
Lord, I want to be a Christian
In-a my heart, in-a my heart.
Lord, I want to be a Christian in-a my heart.
In-a my heart, in-a my heart,
Lord, I want to be a Christian in-a my heart.
Lord, I want to be more loving
In-a my heart, in-a my heart.
Lord, I want to be more loving in-a my heart.
In-a my heart, in-a my heart,
Lord, I want to be more loving in-a my heart.
Lord, I want to be more holy
In-a my heart, in-a my heart.
Lord, I want to be more holy in-a my heart.
In-a my heart, in-a my heart,
Lord, I want to be more holy in-a my heart.
Lord, I want to be like Jesus
In-a my heart, in-a my heart.
Lord, I want to be like Jesus in-a my heart.
In-a my heart, in-a my heart,
Lord, I want to be like Jesus in-a my heart.
Jesus Christ is God with humankind. He is the eternal Son of the Father, who became human and lived among us to fulfill the work of reconciliation. He is present in the church by the power of the Holy Spirit to continue and complete his mission. This work of God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is the foundation of all confessional statements about God, humanity, and the world. Therefore, the church calls all people to be reconciled to God and to one another.
Adapted from the Confession of 1967, 9.07
There is only one Lord and God from whom all things come and for whom we live. Let us offer our lives to the Lord.
SPECIAL MUSIC “Taste and See” Rev. Norlita Kaul
DOXOLOGY (please stand)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Gracious God, we joyously place before you our offerings. May these gifts support our ministry so that others may gather in your name and follow your path of love and peace. We, your beloved children, seek to be “imitators of God” and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Ephesians 4:25-5:2 (David S. Bell)
Continued Health Requests:
-JoAnn G
-unspoken (God knows the need)
-Heather (Ella’s daughter)
-Don K (Carol’s husband) and Carol as caregiver
-Darwin L (Jeanne’s husband) and Jeanne as caregiver
-Gene G
-Andrew L
-Judith (Judy & Mike’s sister-in-law)
-Rocky (Judy & Mike’s nephew)
-Melissa (SDSU student from Peru) and her mother Monica
-Harry (Bonnie S’s father)
-Jack (Lee’s father)
-Kara (Richard & Dolores’ daughter)
-Gwen M (friend of Elizabeth)
-Riley (son of Rev. Norlita’s friend)
For continued recovery
-LaVonne B
-Carrie V
-Bob & Jan J
-Sharon W
-Brent (nephew of Roger & Marvis J)
This Week’s Prayer Families: Cliff R, Rick & Bonnie S, Richard & Judy S
For our new confirmand’s journey: Gayle F is starting her confirmation journey. Donna F will be her mentor.
Our homebound or in care members: Barb B, Delores K, Rose P, Cliff R, Art & Marge V. (Please reach out and call)
Those who mourn:
We continue to pray for the Albright, Boe, Marshall, McCann, Salonen, Fishback, Kennedy N., Watson, Kaul/Robinson families and for all who have lost loved ones.
Prayers for Second Presbyterian in Flandreau, Pastor Ann Spitzenberger; our Presbytery of South Dakota; the PCUSA (leaders and staff); and our own Session, Deacons, members and friends. We continue to pray for Christ’s church universal and at work here in Brookings.
Victims and families affected by the Coronavirus. God grant them all comfort and healing. Prayers for all hospital workers, especially doctors and nurses, and first responders across the world and their families.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
HYMN (insert) “God Be with You Till We Meet Again”
God be with you till we meet again;
By His counsels guide, uphold you,
With His sheep securely fold you,
God be with you till we meet again.
Refrain: Till we meet, till we meet,
Till we meet at Jesus’ feet;
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.
God be with you till we meet again;
’Neath His wings protecting hide you,
Daily manna still provide you,
God be with you till we meet again. [Refrain]
God be with you till we meet again;
When life’s perils thick confound you,
Put His arms unfailing round you,
God be with you till we meet again. [Refrain]
God be with you till we meet again;
Keep love’s banner floating o’er you,
Smite death’s threatening wave before you,
God be with you till we meet again. [Refrain]
TUESDAY MORNING COFFEE GROUP will be meeting at First Lutheran Mission Coffee House at 9:30ish.
PIECES AND PRAYERS will meet at the church on Tuesdays at 1:30 PM.
All are welcomed to help with quilting. Questions, contact Lee P (692-7757).
MISSION/FINANCE COMMITTEE meets Tuesday, August 10, 6:30 PM via Zoom.
THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY will be meeting at 9:30 AM in the church.
SESSION MEETING meets Thursday, August 12, 7:00 PM via Zoom.
CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE FOR LOIS WATSON will be held on Saturday, August 14th, in the First Presbyterian Church sanctuary. Visitation begins at 10:30 AM with the service at 11:00 AM. Reception will follow at the McCrory Gardens Visitor Center.
ONLINE WORSHIP SERVICES: Worship services are now being held in the sanctuary and online via Zoom.
Birthdays and Anniversaries will be celebrated the first Sunday of August
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for August: Dorothy W, Dennis H, Bob B, Paige F, Dennis L
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY for August: Chad & Diane B, Robby & Donna F, Dan & Carolyn M, Bob & Jan J, Joel & Bonnie F, Andrew & Beth L, Martin & Sally M
Life is short. Don’t squander the chance to be kind. Kindness requires only a smile, or a gesture. Kindness is love in action. And love is everything.
Margaret B. Moss
May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent, one from the other. Amen. (Mizpah Benediction)
Thanks to everyone who helped out with our worship this morning. It takes a village to raise a child the saying says. It takes a village to do worship virtually, our new saying during these days of pandemic. Stay safe and well. Pray often. Love always! Blessings for your week!
Sources: Call to Worship Lectionary Aids for 2020-2021 Year A Vo.54.1 PCUSA; Copyright © 2019 David S. Bell. Reprinted with permission from and from the Book of Common Worship, Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville KY, 1993; pg.367.
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
August 8, 2021
O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt God’s name together.
We sought the Lord, and God answered us.
God delivered us from all our fears.
O taste and see that the Lord is good!
Happy are those who take refuge in God.
*HYMN #442 “The Church’s One Foundation”
The church’s one foundation
Is Jesus Christ her Lord;
She is His new creation
By water and the word.
From heaven He came and sought her
To be His holy bride;
With His own blood He bought her,
And for her life He died.
Elect from every nation,
Yet one o’er all the earth;
Her charter of salvation,
One Lord, one faith, one birth;
One holy name she blesses,
Partakes one holy food,
And to one hope she presses,
With every grace endued.
Though with a scornful wonder
This world sees her oppressed,
By schisms rent asunder
By heresies distressed,
Yet saints their watch are keeping;
Their cry goes up: “How long?”
And soon the night of weeping
Shall be the morn of song.
Mid toil and tribulation,
And tumult of her war,
She waits the consummation
Of peace forevermore.
Till with the vision glorious
Her longing eyes are blest,
And the great church victorious
Shall be the church at rest.
Yet she on earth has union
With God, the Three in One,
And mystic sweet communion
With those whose rest is won;
Oh, happy ones and holy!
God, give us grace that we,
Like them, the meek and lowly,
May live eternally.
Almighty God, you sent your Holy Spirit to be the life and light of your church. Open our hearts to the riches of your grace, that we may bring forth the fruit of the Spirit in love, joy, and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
The Spirit of God helps us in our weakness,
interceding with sighs too deep for words.
Trusting in God’s grace, let us confess our sin.
Hear our prayer, O God of grace. You have called us to wear truth as a garment, but we are prone to lie and would rather wear a mask. You have called us to struggle against evil in this world, but instead we struggle for success and for power. You have called us to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, but we keep it to ourselves, for fear of being judged. Hear our prayer, O God of grace. Clothe us in your strength, peace, and faith. Wash us in your mercy, and make us imitators of your compassion. Amen.
(Silent reflection)
Hear the good news of God’s promise: I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh.
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!
Thanks be to God.
GLORIA PATRI (please stand)
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen, Am
Sovereign God, let your Word rule in our hearts and your Spirit govern our lives until at last we see the fulfillment of your realm of justice and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.
Ezekiel 37:4
Psalm 34:1-8 (read responsively)
1 I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
2 My soul makes its boast in the Lord;
let the humble hear and be glad.
3 O magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together.
4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me,
and delivered me from all my fears.
5 Look to him, and be radiant;
so your faces shall never be ashamed.
6 This poor soul cried, and was heard by the Lord,
and was saved from every trouble.
7 The angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear him, and delivers them.
8 O taste and see that the Lord is good;
happy are those who take refuge in him.
Ephesians 4:25-5:2
25 So then, putting away falsehood, let all of us speak the truth to our neighbors, for we are members of one another. 26 Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27 and do not make room for the devil. 28 Thieves must give up stealing; rather let them labor and work honestly with their own hands, so as to have something to share with the needy. 29 Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with which you were marked with a seal for the day of redemption. 31 Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, 32 and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.
1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, 2 and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
This is the good news which we have received, in which we stand, and by which we are saved.
Thanks be to God. 1 Corinthians 15:1–2
REFLECTION: “Making Peace” Rev. Norlita Kaul
HYMN: #372 “Lord, I Want to be a Christian”
Lord, I want to be a Christian
In-a my heart, in-a my heart.
Lord, I want to be a Christian in-a my heart.
In-a my heart, in-a my heart,
Lord, I want to be a Christian in-a my heart.
Lord, I want to be more loving
In-a my heart, in-a my heart.
Lord, I want to be more loving in-a my heart.
In-a my heart, in-a my heart,
Lord, I want to be more loving in-a my heart.
Lord, I want to be more holy
In-a my heart, in-a my heart.
Lord, I want to be more holy in-a my heart.
In-a my heart, in-a my heart,
Lord, I want to be more holy in-a my heart.
Lord, I want to be like Jesus
In-a my heart, in-a my heart.
Lord, I want to be like Jesus in-a my heart.
In-a my heart, in-a my heart,
Lord, I want to be like Jesus in-a my heart.
Jesus Christ is God with humankind. He is the eternal Son of the Father, who became human and lived among us to fulfill the work of reconciliation. He is present in the church by the power of the Holy Spirit to continue and complete his mission. This work of God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is the foundation of all confessional statements about God, humanity, and the world. Therefore, the church calls all people to be reconciled to God and to one another.
Adapted from the Confession of 1967, 9.07
There is only one Lord and God from whom all things come and for whom we live. Let us offer our lives to the Lord.
SPECIAL MUSIC “Taste and See” Rev. Norlita Kaul
DOXOLOGY (please stand)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Gracious God, we joyously place before you our offerings. May these gifts support our ministry so that others may gather in your name and follow your path of love and peace. We, your beloved children, seek to be “imitators of God” and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Ephesians 4:25-5:2 (David S. Bell)
Continued Health Requests:
-JoAnn G
-unspoken (God knows the need)
-Heather (Ella’s daughter)
-Don K (Carol’s husband) and Carol as caregiver
-Darwin L (Jeanne’s husband) and Jeanne as caregiver
-Gene G
-Andrew L
-Judith (Judy & Mike’s sister-in-law)
-Rocky (Judy & Mike’s nephew)
-Melissa (SDSU student from Peru) and her mother Monica
-Harry (Bonnie S’s father)
-Jack (Lee’s father)
-Kara (Richard & Dolores’ daughter)
-Gwen M (friend of Elizabeth)
-Riley (son of Rev. Norlita’s friend)
For continued recovery
-LaVonne B
-Carrie V
-Bob & Jan J
-Sharon W
-Brent (nephew of Roger & Marvis J)
This Week’s Prayer Families: Cliff R, Rick & Bonnie S, Richard & Judy S
For our new confirmand’s journey: Gayle F is starting her confirmation journey. Donna F will be her mentor.
Our homebound or in care members: Barb B, Delores K, Rose P, Cliff R, Art & Marge V. (Please reach out and call)
Those who mourn:
We continue to pray for the Albright, Boe, Marshall, McCann, Salonen, Fishback, Kennedy N., Watson, Kaul/Robinson families and for all who have lost loved ones.
Prayers for Second Presbyterian in Flandreau, Pastor Ann Spitzenberger; our Presbytery of South Dakota; the PCUSA (leaders and staff); and our own Session, Deacons, members and friends. We continue to pray for Christ’s church universal and at work here in Brookings.
Victims and families affected by the Coronavirus. God grant them all comfort and healing. Prayers for all hospital workers, especially doctors and nurses, and first responders across the world and their families.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
HYMN (insert) “God Be with You Till We Meet Again”
God be with you till we meet again;
By His counsels guide, uphold you,
With His sheep securely fold you,
God be with you till we meet again.
Refrain: Till we meet, till we meet,
Till we meet at Jesus’ feet;
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.
God be with you till we meet again;
’Neath His wings protecting hide you,
Daily manna still provide you,
God be with you till we meet again. [Refrain]
God be with you till we meet again;
When life’s perils thick confound you,
Put His arms unfailing round you,
God be with you till we meet again. [Refrain]
God be with you till we meet again;
Keep love’s banner floating o’er you,
Smite death’s threatening wave before you,
God be with you till we meet again. [Refrain]
TUESDAY MORNING COFFEE GROUP will be meeting at First Lutheran Mission Coffee House at 9:30ish.
PIECES AND PRAYERS will meet at the church on Tuesdays at 1:30 PM.
All are welcomed to help with quilting. Questions, contact Lee P (692-7757).
MISSION/FINANCE COMMITTEE meets Tuesday, August 10, 6:30 PM via Zoom.
THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY will be meeting at 9:30 AM in the church.
SESSION MEETING meets Thursday, August 12, 7:00 PM via Zoom.
CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE FOR LOIS WATSON will be held on Saturday, August 14th, in the First Presbyterian Church sanctuary. Visitation begins at 10:30 AM with the service at 11:00 AM. Reception will follow at the McCrory Gardens Visitor Center.
ONLINE WORSHIP SERVICES: Worship services are now being held in the sanctuary and online via Zoom.
Birthdays and Anniversaries will be celebrated the first Sunday of August
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for August: Dorothy W, Dennis H, Bob B, Paige F, Dennis L
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY for August: Chad & Diane B, Robby & Donna F, Dan & Carolyn M, Bob & Jan J, Joel & Bonnie F, Andrew & Beth L, Martin & Sally M
Life is short. Don’t squander the chance to be kind. Kindness requires only a smile, or a gesture. Kindness is love in action. And love is everything.
Margaret B. Moss
May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent, one from the other. Amen. (Mizpah Benediction)
Thanks to everyone who helped out with our worship this morning. It takes a village to raise a child the saying says. It takes a village to do worship virtually, our new saying during these days of pandemic. Stay safe and well. Pray often. Love always! Blessings for your week!
Sources: Call to Worship Lectionary Aids for 2020-2021 Year A Vo.54.1 PCUSA; Copyright © 2019 David S. Bell. Reprinted with permission from and from the Book of Common Worship, Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville KY, 1993; pg.367.