16th Sunday after Pentecost
Worship at Hillcrest Park, Area B
September 25, 2022
Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords.
Jesus Christ, who rules over all things, gathers us in love.
Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords.
Let us offer our praise and thanksgiving!
*HYMN #330 (Blue) ‘Be Thou My Vision’
Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart;
naught be all else to me, save that Thou art.
Thou my best thought, by day or by night,
waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.
Riches I heed not, nor vain empty praise;
Thou mine inheritance, now and always.
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
Ruler of heaven, my treasure Thou art.
Be Thou my wisdom, be Thou my true word;
I ever with Thee, and Thou with me, Lord.
Born of Thy love, Thy child may I be,
Thou in me dwelling and I one with Thee.
Looking at Jesus, we see that we have fallen short of the glory of God.
Yet Jesus looks at us with mercy and grace. Therefore, let us offer our confession in faith.
God of justice and righteousness, you lift up the lowly and fill the empty; yet we adore the high and the mighty. You reach out to the poor; yet we ceaselessly pursue wealth. You talk about treasure in heaven; yet we want dollars in our accounts right now. Correct our misguided ways. Forgive our lack of generosity. Free us from striving for more and more. Change our hearts so that we can tend to things that matter and find our life in Jesus Christ. (Silent reflection)
Without regard for the cost, the precious love of God is poured out in Jesus Christ. This is good news!
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen, Amen.
Eternal Wisdom, from generation to generation you teach your people the way to live. Through words that are ancient, you speak your Living Word. Speak to us now with all that we need to honor you and walk in your way with honesty and humbleness of heart. Amen.
Sacred writings, these are our instruction in salvation, through our faith in Jesus Christ.
2 Timothy 6:6-19 (The Message) (read responsively)
6-8 A devout life does bring wealth, but it’s the rich simplicity of being yourself before God.
Since we entered the world penniless and will leave it penniless, if we have bread on the table and shoes on our feet, that’s enough.
9-10 But if it’s only money these leaders are after, they’ll self-destruct in no time.
Lust for money brings trouble and nothing but trouble.
Going down that path, some lose their footing in the faith completely and live to regret it bitterly ever after.
11-12 But you, Timothy, man of God:
Run for your life from all this.
Pursue a righteous life—a life of wonder, faith, love, steadiness, courtesy.
Run hard and fast in the faith. Seize the eternal life, the life you were called to,
the life you so fervently embraced in the presence of so many witnesses.
13-16 I’m charging you before the life-giving God and before Christ, who took his stand before Pontius Pilate and didn’t give an inch: Keep this command to the letter, and don’t slack off.
Our Master, Jesus Christ, is on his way. He’ll show up right on time, his arrival guaranteed
by the Blessed and Undisputed Ruler, High King, High God. He’s the only one death can’t touch, his light so bright no one can get close. He’s never been seen by human eyes—human eyes can’t take him in!
Honor to him, and eternal rule! Oh, yes.
17-19 Tell those rich in this world’s wealth to quit being so full of themselves and so obsessed with money, which is here today and gone tomorrow.
Tell them to go after God, who piles on all the riches we could ever manage—to do good, to be rich in helping others, to be extravagantly generous.
If they do that, they’ll
build a treasury that will last, gaining life that is truly life.
Luke 16:19-31 (The Message)
19-21 “There once was a rich man, expensively dressed in the latest fashions, wasting his days in conspicuous consumption. A poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, had been dumped on his doorstep. All he lived for was to get a meal from scraps off the rich man’s table. His best friends were the dogs who came and licked his sores.
22-24 “Then he died, this poor man, and was taken up by the angels to the lap of Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. In hell and in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham in the distance and Lazarus in his lap. He called out, ‘Father Abraham, mercy! Have mercy! Send Lazarus to dip his finger in water to cool my tongue. I’m in agony in this fire.’
25-26 “But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that in your lifetime you got the good things and Lazarus the bad things. It’s not like that here. Here he’s consoled and you’re tormented. Besides, in all these matters there is a huge chasm set between us so that no one can go from us to you even if he wanted to, nor can anyone cross over from you to us.’
27-28 “The rich man said, ‘Then let me ask you, Father: Send him to the house of my father where I have five brothers, so he can tell them the score and warn them so they won’t end up here in this place of torment.’
29 “Abraham answered, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets to tell them the score. Let them listen to them.’
30 “‘I know, Father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but they’re not listening. If someone came back to them from the dead, they would change their ways.’
31 “Abraham replied, ‘If they won’t listen to Moses and the Prophets, they’re not going to be convinced by someone who rises from the dead.’”
The words of scripture, inspired by God, written through human hands, Holy Wisdom, Holy Word.
Thanks be to God.
REFLECTION: ‘Practice Generosity’ Rev. Norlita Kaul
*HYMN #280 (Blue) ‘Amazing Grace’
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
was blind, but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
and grace my fears relieved;
how precious did that grace appear
the hour I first believed!
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come:
'tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
and grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
as long as life endures.
When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
bright shining as the sun,
we’ve no less days to sing God’s praise,
then when we’d first begun.
I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.
I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, on the basis of God’s mercy, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable act of worship. Romans 12:1
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
Patient God, our ears listen attentively, yet our understanding is lacking. Our eyes look wide open, yet human suffering is squarely in front of us. Our hands stretch outward yet remain listless. Our voice encourages others yet remains silent to those in despair. Every day, we are faced with opportunities to respond. Forgive us. Awaken us. Encourage us. Call us again to respond by offering your salvation and your abundant life to others every day. We humbly place these gifts before you. Amen. (Luke 16:19-31 David S. Bell)
Continued Health Requests:
-Nelda H
-Betty G
-Roger J (recovery)
-Carol G (recovery)
-Bob J and Jan as caregiver
-Bob O
-Andrew & Beth L
-Laura (Linda’s niece)
-Gwen B (Lee P’s friend)
-Patty (friend of Michele)
-Harry (Bonnie S’s father)
-Darwin L (Jeanne’s husband) and Jeanne as caregiver
-Nadia (Mike & Judy’s granddaughter)
-Gwen M (friend of Elizabeth)
-Rocky (Judy & Mike’s nephew-for continued strength)
Our homebound or in care members: Bob J, Bob B, Delores K, Rose P, Cliff R, Art & Marge V,H, Nelda H, Dennis H & Carolyn C
This Week’s Prayer Families: Delores K, Andrew & Beth L, Ella L
Those who mourn: We pray for the Conger/Hellinger, Kemp, Peterson, Goodale, McCann, Webster, & Salonen families and all who have lost loved ones.
Prayers for Second Presbyterian in Flandreau and Wentworth Presbyterian in Wentworth and their pastor, Pastor Ann Spitzenberger; Robby & Donna, and Elizabeth (CREs), our Presbytery of South Dakota , PCUSA (leaders and staff); and our own Session, Deacons, members and friends. We continue to pray for Christ’s church universal and at work here in Brookings.
Be with our troops and their families as they serve us with dignity, honor, bravery, and valor.
Victims and families affected by the Coronavirus. For those in our world that must deal with the pain, sadness, and loss.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
*HYMN #716 (Red) ‘What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine’
What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
leaning on the everlasting arms;
what a blessedness, what a peace is mine,
leaning on the everlasting arms.
Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms;
leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.
O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,
leaning on the everlasting arms;
O how bright the path grows from day to day,
leaning on the everlasting arms. [Refrain]
What have I to dread, what have I to fear,
leaning on the everlasting arms?
I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,
leaning on the everlasting arms. [Refrain]
TUESDAY MORNING COFFEE GROUP will be meeting at First Lutheran Mission Coffee House at 9:30ish.
PIECES & PRAYERS will be meeting at the church on Tuesdays at 1:30 PM. All are welcomed to help with quilting. Questions, contact Lee P (692-7757).
THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY will be meeting at 9:30 AM at the church. We are studying the book of Matthew.
PEACE AND GLOBAL WITNESS SPECIAL OFFERING DONATIONS will be accepted from September 4 through October 2. Please use the envelopes provided on the lectern at the sanctuary door or write ‘Special Offering’ on the memo line on your check. Thank you for your generosity!
SUNDAY OCTOBER 2: World Communion Sunday and reception of new members
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR YOUTH AND ADULTS: At this time, due to lack of demand and lack of children, we are suspending Sunday School. Hopefully we can reestablish Sunday School again in the future.
If anyone would like to reach out to Lynn at SMSU in Marshall - her address is below. I know she would love to hear from our church family. Your love and support for her is much appreciated!
Lynn Foster
Southwest Minnesota State University
Aquarius Hall, Room 307
1511 Birch St.
Marshall, MN 56258
Her personal email is: [email protected]
May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent, one from another. Amen. (Mizpah Benediction)
Thanks to everyone who helped with our worship this morning. It takes a village to raise a child the saying says. It takes a village to do worship virtually, our new saying during these days of pandemic. Stay safe and well. Pray often. Love always! Blessings for your week!
Sources: Call to Worship Lectionary Aids for 2020-2021 Year A Vo.54.1 PCUSA; Copyright © 2019 David S. Bell. Reprinted with permission from and from the Book of Common Worship, Westminster Knox Press, Louisville KY, 1993;
16th Sunday after Pentecost
Worship at Hillcrest Park, Area B
September 25, 2022
Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords.
Jesus Christ, who rules over all things, gathers us in love.
Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords.
Let us offer our praise and thanksgiving!
*HYMN #330 (Blue) ‘Be Thou My Vision’
Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart;
naught be all else to me, save that Thou art.
Thou my best thought, by day or by night,
waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.
Riches I heed not, nor vain empty praise;
Thou mine inheritance, now and always.
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
Ruler of heaven, my treasure Thou art.
Be Thou my wisdom, be Thou my true word;
I ever with Thee, and Thou with me, Lord.
Born of Thy love, Thy child may I be,
Thou in me dwelling and I one with Thee.
Looking at Jesus, we see that we have fallen short of the glory of God.
Yet Jesus looks at us with mercy and grace. Therefore, let us offer our confession in faith.
God of justice and righteousness, you lift up the lowly and fill the empty; yet we adore the high and the mighty. You reach out to the poor; yet we ceaselessly pursue wealth. You talk about treasure in heaven; yet we want dollars in our accounts right now. Correct our misguided ways. Forgive our lack of generosity. Free us from striving for more and more. Change our hearts so that we can tend to things that matter and find our life in Jesus Christ. (Silent reflection)
Without regard for the cost, the precious love of God is poured out in Jesus Christ. This is good news!
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen, Amen.
Eternal Wisdom, from generation to generation you teach your people the way to live. Through words that are ancient, you speak your Living Word. Speak to us now with all that we need to honor you and walk in your way with honesty and humbleness of heart. Amen.
Sacred writings, these are our instruction in salvation, through our faith in Jesus Christ.
2 Timothy 6:6-19 (The Message) (read responsively)
6-8 A devout life does bring wealth, but it’s the rich simplicity of being yourself before God.
Since we entered the world penniless and will leave it penniless, if we have bread on the table and shoes on our feet, that’s enough.
9-10 But if it’s only money these leaders are after, they’ll self-destruct in no time.
Lust for money brings trouble and nothing but trouble.
Going down that path, some lose their footing in the faith completely and live to regret it bitterly ever after.
11-12 But you, Timothy, man of God:
Run for your life from all this.
Pursue a righteous life—a life of wonder, faith, love, steadiness, courtesy.
Run hard and fast in the faith. Seize the eternal life, the life you were called to,
the life you so fervently embraced in the presence of so many witnesses.
13-16 I’m charging you before the life-giving God and before Christ, who took his stand before Pontius Pilate and didn’t give an inch: Keep this command to the letter, and don’t slack off.
Our Master, Jesus Christ, is on his way. He’ll show up right on time, his arrival guaranteed
by the Blessed and Undisputed Ruler, High King, High God. He’s the only one death can’t touch, his light so bright no one can get close. He’s never been seen by human eyes—human eyes can’t take him in!
Honor to him, and eternal rule! Oh, yes.
17-19 Tell those rich in this world’s wealth to quit being so full of themselves and so obsessed with money, which is here today and gone tomorrow.
Tell them to go after God, who piles on all the riches we could ever manage—to do good, to be rich in helping others, to be extravagantly generous.
If they do that, they’ll
build a treasury that will last, gaining life that is truly life.
Luke 16:19-31 (The Message)
19-21 “There once was a rich man, expensively dressed in the latest fashions, wasting his days in conspicuous consumption. A poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, had been dumped on his doorstep. All he lived for was to get a meal from scraps off the rich man’s table. His best friends were the dogs who came and licked his sores.
22-24 “Then he died, this poor man, and was taken up by the angels to the lap of Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. In hell and in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham in the distance and Lazarus in his lap. He called out, ‘Father Abraham, mercy! Have mercy! Send Lazarus to dip his finger in water to cool my tongue. I’m in agony in this fire.’
25-26 “But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that in your lifetime you got the good things and Lazarus the bad things. It’s not like that here. Here he’s consoled and you’re tormented. Besides, in all these matters there is a huge chasm set between us so that no one can go from us to you even if he wanted to, nor can anyone cross over from you to us.’
27-28 “The rich man said, ‘Then let me ask you, Father: Send him to the house of my father where I have five brothers, so he can tell them the score and warn them so they won’t end up here in this place of torment.’
29 “Abraham answered, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets to tell them the score. Let them listen to them.’
30 “‘I know, Father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but they’re not listening. If someone came back to them from the dead, they would change their ways.’
31 “Abraham replied, ‘If they won’t listen to Moses and the Prophets, they’re not going to be convinced by someone who rises from the dead.’”
The words of scripture, inspired by God, written through human hands, Holy Wisdom, Holy Word.
Thanks be to God.
REFLECTION: ‘Practice Generosity’ Rev. Norlita Kaul
*HYMN #280 (Blue) ‘Amazing Grace’
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
was blind, but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
and grace my fears relieved;
how precious did that grace appear
the hour I first believed!
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come:
'tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
and grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
as long as life endures.
When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
bright shining as the sun,
we’ve no less days to sing God’s praise,
then when we’d first begun.
I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.
I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, on the basis of God’s mercy, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable act of worship. Romans 12:1
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
Patient God, our ears listen attentively, yet our understanding is lacking. Our eyes look wide open, yet human suffering is squarely in front of us. Our hands stretch outward yet remain listless. Our voice encourages others yet remains silent to those in despair. Every day, we are faced with opportunities to respond. Forgive us. Awaken us. Encourage us. Call us again to respond by offering your salvation and your abundant life to others every day. We humbly place these gifts before you. Amen. (Luke 16:19-31 David S. Bell)
Continued Health Requests:
-Nelda H
-Betty G
-Roger J (recovery)
-Carol G (recovery)
-Bob J and Jan as caregiver
-Bob O
-Andrew & Beth L
-Laura (Linda’s niece)
-Gwen B (Lee P’s friend)
-Patty (friend of Michele)
-Harry (Bonnie S’s father)
-Darwin L (Jeanne’s husband) and Jeanne as caregiver
-Nadia (Mike & Judy’s granddaughter)
-Gwen M (friend of Elizabeth)
-Rocky (Judy & Mike’s nephew-for continued strength)
Our homebound or in care members: Bob J, Bob B, Delores K, Rose P, Cliff R, Art & Marge V,H, Nelda H, Dennis H & Carolyn C
This Week’s Prayer Families: Delores K, Andrew & Beth L, Ella L
Those who mourn: We pray for the Conger/Hellinger, Kemp, Peterson, Goodale, McCann, Webster, & Salonen families and all who have lost loved ones.
Prayers for Second Presbyterian in Flandreau and Wentworth Presbyterian in Wentworth and their pastor, Pastor Ann Spitzenberger; Robby & Donna, and Elizabeth (CREs), our Presbytery of South Dakota , PCUSA (leaders and staff); and our own Session, Deacons, members and friends. We continue to pray for Christ’s church universal and at work here in Brookings.
Be with our troops and their families as they serve us with dignity, honor, bravery, and valor.
Victims and families affected by the Coronavirus. For those in our world that must deal with the pain, sadness, and loss.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
*HYMN #716 (Red) ‘What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine’
What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
leaning on the everlasting arms;
what a blessedness, what a peace is mine,
leaning on the everlasting arms.
Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms;
leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.
O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,
leaning on the everlasting arms;
O how bright the path grows from day to day,
leaning on the everlasting arms. [Refrain]
What have I to dread, what have I to fear,
leaning on the everlasting arms?
I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,
leaning on the everlasting arms. [Refrain]
TUESDAY MORNING COFFEE GROUP will be meeting at First Lutheran Mission Coffee House at 9:30ish.
PIECES & PRAYERS will be meeting at the church on Tuesdays at 1:30 PM. All are welcomed to help with quilting. Questions, contact Lee P (692-7757).
THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY will be meeting at 9:30 AM at the church. We are studying the book of Matthew.
PEACE AND GLOBAL WITNESS SPECIAL OFFERING DONATIONS will be accepted from September 4 through October 2. Please use the envelopes provided on the lectern at the sanctuary door or write ‘Special Offering’ on the memo line on your check. Thank you for your generosity!
SUNDAY OCTOBER 2: World Communion Sunday and reception of new members
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR YOUTH AND ADULTS: At this time, due to lack of demand and lack of children, we are suspending Sunday School. Hopefully we can reestablish Sunday School again in the future.
If anyone would like to reach out to Lynn at SMSU in Marshall - her address is below. I know she would love to hear from our church family. Your love and support for her is much appreciated!
Lynn Foster
Southwest Minnesota State University
Aquarius Hall, Room 307
1511 Birch St.
Marshall, MN 56258
Her personal email is: [email protected]
May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent, one from another. Amen. (Mizpah Benediction)
Thanks to everyone who helped with our worship this morning. It takes a village to raise a child the saying says. It takes a village to do worship virtually, our new saying during these days of pandemic. Stay safe and well. Pray often. Love always! Blessings for your week!
Sources: Call to Worship Lectionary Aids for 2020-2021 Year A Vo.54.1 PCUSA; Copyright © 2019 David S. Bell. Reprinted with permission from and from the Book of Common Worship, Westminster Knox Press, Louisville KY, 1993;